Reporting the Underreported.
Elena L. Pasquini – Founder and Editor
Foreing affairs journalist, specialized in international relations, development and humanitarian interventions. At the newspaper Il Messaggero from 1995 to 2003. Contributor to Italian and international news outlets, including to the foreign desk of Avvenire. Former correspondent of Devex, covering the European Union and the United Nations from Rome and around the world.
Passionate for semantic web and data journalism. Volounteer in Ethiopia for the non-profit organization Lazio Chirurgia Progetto Solidale.
Edith Casadei – Creative Designer
Creative and consultant designer, with a recent passion for photography, using camera and mobile.
Grown with top graphic designers, up to joining the international agency Saatchi&Sacchi. In love with publishing, now flying alone.
Loving soap bubbles.